Handshake app for trade shows

handshake app for trade shows

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Trade Show Apps

People are coming in and out of your booth, and your reps are having some great conversations. This trade show is one of your biggest lead sources after all. In this hectic atmosphere, however, how are you keeping track of leads and contact information? The good news is, many trade show apps have hit the market to help you with capturing leads, qualifying leads, tradw keeping track of contact tradf at trade shows. Here are a few apps that may just transform how you run your next trade show booth.


handshake app for trade shows
Apps have become crucial to our everyday lives. We depend on them to entertain us, help us navigate the world, and organize our lives, as well as to increase our productivity and make mundane tasks easier. Here are a few that will up your trade show game. As you could have guessed from its name, Shhmooze is a social media app for trade shows and professional networking events. Shhmooze helps identify your existing connections that will be attending the show, and it puts names to faces in the crowd.

Learn. Trade Shows. Handshake has been acquired by Shopify! United States. Request a demo. Learn. United States. Get this app. You can either hand the iPad to trade show attendees or create a kiosk-style experience. You can also send automatic emails to everyone who takes the survey, which can fot a thank you letter or promotion.
