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Barring an unexpected and unlikely move, this week is going to mark an occasion that rhe only two precedents over the past six years, and has not happened since November A Halloween horror show. As you can see, anyone who bought their first Bitcoin in January had a very merry Christmas that year. Conversely, those who entered the market in January ended the year with a big lump of coal or a lump of something else entirely in their stockings. You may ask, why am I bringing this up? After all, my parents always encouraged me to seek out the positives in any setbacks or disappointments.
Why Bitcoin is Gaining Traction
Bitcoin is like gold in many ways. Like gold, bitcoin cannot simply be created arbitrarily. Gold must be mined out of the ground, and bitcoin must be mined via digital means. Linked with this process is the stipulation set forth by the founders of bitcoin that, like gold, it must have a limited and finite supply. In fact, there are only 21 million bitcoins that can be mined in total. Once miners have unlocked this many bitcoins, the planet’s supply will essentially be tapped out, unless bitcoin’s protocol is changed to allow for a larger supply. Supporters of bitcoin say that, like gold, the fixed supply of the currency means that banks are kept in check and not allowed to arbitrarily issue fiduciary media.
Why Invest in Bitcoin?
Barring an unexpected and unlikely move, this week is going to mark an occasion that has only two precedents over the past six years, and has not happened since November A Halloween horror show. As you can see, anyone who bought their first Bitcoin in January had a very merry Christmas that year. Conversely, those who entered the market in January ended the year with a big lump of coal or a lump of something else entirely in their stockings.
You may ask, why am I bringing this up? After all, my parents always encouraged me to seek out the positives in any setbacks or disappointments. Nonetheless, the fact remains that we arrived at this milestone amidst a remarkably stagnant period. Quite the contrary. Yet, as the charts below demonstrate, here we are. In fact, when I last checked the price an hour ago, the hour change was precisely 0.
We try not to stare at the ticker all day, but that was a first for me. To take BTC as but one example, see below a table showing the lowest 10 daily volumes of Yes, you are reading the table correctly: four of the ten slowest days year-to-date occurred last week and nine of the ten came this month.
How does that help us as investors? Hold that thought for a moment. First, let me tell you about a conversation that we had last week that brightened our mood considerably. Amidst all the crypto doom and gloom but definitely no boom, sorry Marc Faber my partner recently caught up with one of his friends, a macro hedge fund manager based in London.
Well, this guy is an integral part of that wall. But this time the conversation went differently. He told us that he has begun reading up on the space and had questions. And if he is working his way up the learning curve, we strongly suspect that he is not. Our friend is not the type to waste time or energy on a topic unless he has identified a compelling opportunity. To us, more than anything we have read on Crypto Twitter, this was a bullish market signal.
Three months later, it had doubled in value. And December, of course, is when the frenzy went into full swing. Now, some might argue that initial coin offerings ICOs are what sparked the market frenzy.
To an extent, we agree with this position. After all, the ICO mania is what initially shone the spotlight on crypto and forced the mainstream investing public to take notice. Looking more closely though, we would argue that a more consequential trend emerged in the second half of Simultaneously, announcements of Bitcoin futures contracts, paired with headlines regarding Wall Street interest and breathless predictions of imminent change, conspired to fuel a self-fulfilling narrative of ever-higher asset prices.
The hysteria peaked on December 18th, The price of Bitcoin doubled in the first two weeks of that month.
The market continued to buy, waiting with bated breath for the CME launch a week later. It was the embodiment of failed expectations. And this was only the beginning of the pain. The institutional money never arrived in earnest and did not drive this bubble. In short, was almost exclusively a retail-driven train, and the late-arriving punters got crushed in the derailment. The institutional capital has not yet joined the party. Go to any crypto meetup or convention today and the same question will be asked.
Come on, Blackrock, show us some love! There are an abundance of different but credible theories to explain what might push Bitcoin below the well-defended price floor of 5, that has been maintained since late June.
While we love being contrarians, on this point we wholeheartedly concur. For your average long-term retail HODLer, the initial reaction to this question is likely an eye-roll. For a concrete example, take a guess at the dates when these headlines were published.
The first article, from the Financial Times, was written on 12 August The WSJ story was published a little over a year ago. And how did the market respond to the more recent FT piece? Ironically, the conviction that institutional capital is the rocket fuel needed to ignite another crypto moonshot is, if anything, stronger now than last year. So why did the possibility of institutional entry drive such mania inand why has it failed to move the needle this year? Some of the smartest people I have ever met are working day and night to develop effective valuation approaches for cryptoassets.
This is a monumental task, since crypto is unlike any other asset in human history. Market capitalization sorry, CoinMarketCap is generally useless. But we do have quite a few proxies. We refer to this as Daily Active Addresses DAAswhich records the number of Bitcoin or other token wallets that engaged in transactions on a given day.
DAAs are easy to track on the Bitcoin blockchain. Maybe you were smart and just invested a small percentage of your net worth. What do you suppose your feelings toward crypto are by now? Are you buying more? Averaging down your cost basis? Most likely not. If so, then overpeople were burned in the latest crypto crash, and have left the market with their portfolio in a smoking ruin.
If anything, we believe this wallet count understates end users as many on-exchange transactions get netted before they are ever recorded on-blockchain. The damage was what happens to the money when you buy bitcoin by the fact that these people could have served as crypto ambassadors to the next tier of risk takers.
In many ways this is an age-old story: an asset collapsed, people lost money and therefore are more cautious this time. However the scale of the carnage, given the proportion of investors who have been burned, is nearly unprecedented. The answer was immediate and obvious: No one. So who does that leave? This refers to the real allocators. Pension funds. Sovereign wealth funds. Powerhouses with asset pools that run to twelve digits, or.
These organizations are managed by inherently risk-averse people who know that investing into new and untested markets implies significant career risk. Portfolio managers rarely get fired for buying German Bunds or T-bills. Any fund managers who went long crypto in December are probably dusting off their CVs. With no retail investors and no genuine prospect of them returning again before a big-time upside breakout that reinvigorates the FOMO on which crypto has historically thrived, it is these institutions who will have to carry the water to get things what happens to the money when you buy bitcoin.
The timing of this evolution depends on a host of factors that are both endogenous and exogenous to the crypto market. However, we do feel confident in saying that no other spark exists for the next crypto bull run. Having worked on Wall Street, I can confirm that bankers and traders were watching this market intensely, and in many cases they personally participated.
Remember, career risk is one of the most powerful forces in nature. And now, less than a year later, the conditions have been reversed. Over the past ten months the crypto community has improved its infrastructure by leaps and bounds. From actual, live people answering customer queries thanks, Coinbase!
However, something needs to get them off the sidelines and into this asset class. Think about what just fifty basis points of that capital would do to the crypto market. And in order to allocate, an institution must believe that cryptoassets have finally arrived as an asset class that is worthy of investment. But other things are happening out there, far beyond the reach of crypto exchanges.
What happens if Wall Street loses its appetite for equities or corporate debt? Where does that capital go? I work at Kosmos Capital Managementwhich actively trades the emergent class of digital assets. Follow me on Twitter kvirgil. Doing your own research is the key to success in any market. Kevin Virgil kvnomad. Tweet This.
First, the Bad News Barring an unexpected and unlikely move, this week is going to mark an occasion that has only two precedents over the past six years, and has not happened since November Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Investing Finance Blockchain. Continue the discussion. Kevin Virgil Nov Hackernoon Newsletter curates great stories by real tech professionals Get solid gold sent to your inbox. Every week!
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